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Ponies Set 1



I've started doing MLP fanart, finally. These are some quickie marker sketches of a set of OC ponies. I take requests from fellow bronies and do these for funsies as a good five to ten minute break during my busy workday.

Clockwise from top left:

-Pixel Stitch - A pearlescent white earth pony with straight pink hair and a side fringe. She has blue eyes and a pink digital patch with needle and thread as her Cutie Mark. She is a computer animator and is also an accomplished seamstress.

-Stardust Rush (my own OC pony design, yay!) - A sherbert violet unicorn with long, curled tri-color hair in dark purple, pink, and blonde. She has purple eyes, and pink and purple stars for her Cutie Mark. She inspires people with her internal Pep and Glitter. She's also an accomplished artist and loves to dance.

-Balefire - A large green earth pony stallion with wild dark blue and light green striped hair. His eyes are grey, and his Cutie Mark is a swirling belch of green and blue balefire. He has dark blue hooves under his fetlocks.

-Hurky Colt - A sky blue pegasus colt with dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. His Cutie Mark is a golden sun. He works at the Post Office with Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo.

(These characters were designed by their owners, besides my own, of course)
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1117x1227px 245.01 KB
© 2011 - 2024 JoieArt
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Mutlu-Poni's avatar
Amazing ponies! They look so cute!